Марат наконец-то создал долгожданный оф. сайт. В общем не совсем плохой, но могли бы и получше его сделать, попрофессиональнее, официальный все таки. И как же русский язык?? А?
Hello to you all.
I want to welcome you to my very own website where I
hope you will find lots to make you happy.
I would like to wish you all a year full of joy and happiness!I hope 2005 will make your best dreams come true!
And what about me? I feel the last few months has givenme a lot of confidence! A new coach who I can work with;
he has helped me believe in myself and made me want
to play more tennis. I did think for a while I should give
up but then I spent some time and did a lot of thinking
and I began to realise that I still love to play my game,
and I always will. My results in the last few months have
made me understand that tennis can offer so much and
it is important that we make tennis good for all the people
to watch. It is like entertainment for all.
I hope that in 2005 I will be able to give my fans thatare always there to support me, many more wins
and entertaining moments. I will always give my
best effort for you guys!
I am launching my Official Website as a dedication toyou, my fans who never hesitate to be there for me.
My passion for life and tennis will always be there andI will keep playing tennis as long as it is.
Thanks a lot for always being there to support me.
Отредактировано Sena (2005-03-26 19:05:27)